Today, our lives are busier than ever. And so are our neighborhoods. With all of the people moving to Austin recently, neighborhoods are becoming more crowded and packed than ever before. If you live a neighborhood where the houses are built closely together, you may feel a little skittish about your privacy. After all, do your neighbors really need to know what you’re wearing or what you’re doing all the time? Of course not.

That’s why residential decorative window film makes sense for Austin homes. With residential decorative window film, Austin homeowners can obtain the privacy they need without sacrificing natural light.

How to Increase Privacy with Residential Window Film

At the end of the day, all you want to do is relax and spend some quality time with your family. But that can be hard to do if you have nosy Nelly the neighbor staring straight into your living from her bedroom window. Of course, you could order those expensive blinds, but if you do, you’re going to have to give up the natural light and views you love. And no one wants to feel like they’re living in the bat cave.

Residential decorative window film provides Austin homeowners with an alternative solution for achieving privacy. Unlike blinds, window film allows for bountiful levels of light transmission, so your home can stay bright and cheery. And you can get rid of those annoying stares and awkward moments for good!

Elegant Ways to Add Window Film to Your Home

Try these ideas to increase privacy in your Austin home with residential decorative window film.

1. Go for frosted – Add frosted films to bathroom windows and shower doors for an enchanting look
2. Play with color – Semi opaque films in solid colors look contemporary and inviting
3. Cover exterior windows – Add reflective film to exterior windows for excellent privacy, glare control, and a sophisticated look

Get a Quote

Installing residential decorative window film for your Austin home isn’t only easy; it’s affordable! Call our office today to get an estimate for your project!

Mike Kinsey, Author at Custom Tint Solutions

Mike Kinsey uses his knowledge of window film products and industry innovations to help customers find simple, versatile solutions for meeting their architectural goals. As the Operations Manager for Custom Tint Solutions, he is the head of sales, customer relations, and product education and also personally oversees all window film installs from start to finish. His fifteen years of experience combined with his background in construction and project management sets him apart as an expert in his field. Mike's qualifications are extensive and are backed by certifications from 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.